Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild und Textmedien der Vormoderne - 11-12-13/06/2020, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 30.10.2019: Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild und Textmedien der Vormoderne - Kiel (Germany)
The Triumviral Period: Civil War, Political Crisis and Socioeconomic Transformations - 03-04-05/09/2
X Coloquio Internacional Universidad de Zaragoza. "Enemistad y Odio en el Mundo Antiguo" -
2019 CARC Workshop: "Textile Art in the Graeco-Roman World" - 26-27/09/2019, Oxford (Engla
Agency through the Ancients: Reception as Empowerment (The 12th Annual Boston University Classical S
CALL. 23.08.2019: Agency through the Ancients: Reception as Empowerment (The 12th Annual Boston Univ
XXIV Convegno Internazionale dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana: Militia inermis e Militia ar
Melammu Workshop Tartu 2019 "Responses to the 12th Century BC Collapse: Recovery and Restructur
Archaeology of the Invisible. Forced Migration and Modeling Materiality in Contexts of Cultural Mobi