Congreso Internacional "La Violencia en la Historia" - 09-10-11/10/2019, Salamanca (Spain)
CALL. 30.04.2019: Congreso Internacional "La Violencia en la Historia" - Salamanca (Spain)
CALL. 15.02.2019: [SESSION 19] Landscapes of Settlement in the Ancient Near East (ASOR 2019)- San Di
CALL. 15.02.2019: [SESSION 18] Cultural Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, and Management (ASOR 2
CALL. 15.02.2019: [SESSION 17] Interdisciplinary Approaches to Seals, Sealing Practices, and Adminis
Seminario "Prácticas artísticas locales y regionales en las provincias romanas ¿Un escaparate d
CALL. 12.05.2019: Indo-European Religion and Poetics – A Comparative Approach: Myth, Ritual and Lang
Indo-European Religion and Poetics – A Comparative Approach: Myth, Ritual and Language - 11-12/10/20
Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 6th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Conference - 31/05-01
CALL. 28.02.2019: Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 6th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Con