International Ovidian Society European Launch - 18-19/06/2019, Pisa (Italy)
Costruire di fronte ai rischi ambientali nelle società antiche - 06-07/09/2019, Napoli (Italy)
CALL. 15.06.2019: [POSTER] Costruire di fronte ai rischi ambientali nelle società antiche - Napoli (
The Archaeologies of Roads - 07-08/11/2019, Florence (Italy)
CALL. 30.06.2019: The Archaeologies of Roads - Florence (Italy)
Divinità e Politeismi dell’Antichità Classica. Documentazione e Metodi di Studio - 26-27-28/07/2019,
Relevance of the ancient world: Contrasting models and transformations - 13/06/2019, Bologna (Italy)
CALL. 05.06.2019: Relevance of the ancient world: Contrasting models and transformations - Bologna (
The Forgotten Theatre. Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama - 26-27-28-29/11/2019 Torino (Italy)
CALL. 31.08.2019: The Forgotten Theatre. Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama - Torino (Italy)