Reconstructing the Republic: Imperial Authors and Varro - 22-23/09/2016, Roma (Italy)
Les provinciaux au service de l’empire - 15-16/09/2016, Roma (Italy)
Euripide. Storie, testi, drammaturgia - 13/09/2016, Padova (Italy)
Ricerche a confronto XI - 20-27/10, 10-17-24/11, 01/12/2016, Bologna (Italy)
CALL. 19.09.2016: Ricerche a confronto XI - Bologna (Italy)
CVPAE Riletture e notivà - 05-06-07/09/2016, Oristano (Italy)
Rome Conference Nomos, Ethos, Philia. Il Senso dell'Essere Umano - 07/07/2016, Roma (Italy)
III Congresso Internacional Santuários, Cultura, Arte, Romarias, Peregrinações, Paisagens e Pessoas
Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanities and Sciences -
CALL. 15.07.2016: Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanit