Agrigento ellenistico-romana. Coscienza identitaria e margini di autonomia -30/06/2016, Agrigento (I
Lingua orale e parola scenica - 10-11/11/2016, Pavia (Italy)
CALL. 30.06.2016: Lingua orale e parola scenica - Pavia (Italy)
Landscape & Archaeology - 23-24-25/06/2016, Fano, Fossombrone, Cagli (Italy)
11th Moisa Summer Seminar on Ancient Greek and Roman Music - 04-05-06-07-08-09/07/2016, Riva del Gar
Editare, Commentare, Interpretare: approcci multiformi al testo letterario - 23-24/06/2016, Urbino (
37th Association for Environmental Archaeology Conference - 29-30/09-01/10/2016, Roma (Italy)
CALL.15.06.2016: 37th Association for Environmental Archaeology Conference - Roma (Italy)
2016 Symposium Cumanum: Music in the time of Vergil – 21-22-23-24/06/2016, Cuma (Italy)
Le rappresentazioni degli dei nel mondo antico - 07/06/2016, Genova (Italy)