La città etrusca e il sacro. Santuari e istituzioni politiche - 21-22-23/01/2016, Bologna (Italy)
TEANUM SIDICINUM. New Perspective for the study of the city and its History - 20-21/01/2016, Napoli,
CALL. 10.01.2016: TEANUM SIDICINUM. New Perspective for the study of the city and its History - Napo
CALL. 15.01.2016: Theatroeideis. Images of city - City of images - Bari (Italy)
Theatroeideis. Images of city - City of images - 16-17-18-19/06/2016, Bari (Italy)
LAMA - Seminars in Anthropology of the ancient Greece - 10-23/11, 14/12/2015, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05/201
“Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society”, VI PURPUREAE VESTES International Symp
CALL. 31.01.2016: “Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society”, VI PURPUREAE VESTES
Magic. Construction and Perception of the Magic World from Antiquity to Our Times - 14-15-16-17-18/0
CALL. 01.04.2016: Magic. Construction and Perception of the Magic World from Antiquity to Our Times