VIII Giornata di Studio su Aristofane - 06/04/2018, Roma (Italy)
Glacie circumdatus uror – Der neulateinische Petrarkismus - 24-25-26/01/2019, Bönn (Germany)
CALL. 15.06.2018: Glacie circumdatus uror – Der neulateinische Petrarkismus - Bönn (Germany)
Winckelmann's victims. The classics: norms, exclusions and prejudices - 20-21-22/09/2018, Ghent
CALL. 15.04.2018: Winckelmann's victims. The classics: norms, exclusions and prejudices - Ghent
Le varie vite dei morti: usi, riusi ed evoluzioni degli spazi funerari romani dall’VIII secolo a.C.
Northern Barbarians and their Representation - 21/03/2018, St Andrews (Scotland)
Women's Classical Committee UK 2018 Annual General Meeting - 18/04/2018, London (England)
Sophistic Views of the Epic Past from the Classical to the Imperial Age - 03-04-05/09/2018, Winchest
CALL. 06.04.2018: Sophistic Views of the Epic Past from the Classical to the Imperial Age - Winchest