CALL. 12.03.2018: [PANEL 9] Classics and Social Justice (SCS 2019) - San Diego (CA, USA)
O Montado no desenvolvimento rural do Sudoeste Peninsular -21-22/09/2018, Ponte de Sor-Coruche (Port
CALL.28.02.2018: O Montado no desenvolvimento rural do Sudoeste Peninsular - Ponte de Sor-Coruche (
The Fourth Papyrus Curatorial and Conservation Meeting -21-22/06/2018, London (England)
CALL.15.02.2018: The Fourth Papyrus Curatorial and Conservation Meeting -London (England)
IX Congreso Internacional e Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores: "Ciencia, Técnica y Tecn
CALL. 31.01.2018: IX Congreso Internacional e Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores: "Cien
CALL. 03.03.2018: [PANEL 8] Writing the History of Epigraphy and Epigraphers (ASGLE at SCS 2019) - S
CALL. 01.03.2018: [PANEL 7] Classical and Early Modern Epic: Comparative Approaches an
VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Egiptología - 03-04-05/12/2018, Madrid (Spain)