II Congreso Internacional de Estudios PatrÃsticos- 27-28-29-30-31/03/2017, San Juan (Argentina)
The Catholic University of Cuyo has the honor of informing you about the upcoming Second International Conference on Patristic Studies...

Colloque Graphè 2017 : Les Psaumes de David - 23-24/03/2017, Arras (France)
Au sein de l’axe TransLittéraires du centre de recherche Textes et Cultures (EA 4028) à l’université d’Artois, Graphè a pour objet...

New Light on Tony Harrison - 27-28/04/2017, London (England)

Third Workshop of the Melammu Project. "Routes and Travellers between East and West. Cultural E
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23/03/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)...

Editing and commenting on the "Silvae" - 16-17/03/2017, Lisboa (Portugal)
A área Antiguidade Clássica: Textos em Contextos do Centro de Estudos Clássicos da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa está a organizar o...

The Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting 2017 - 04-05-06/05/2017, Providence (RI, USA)
Brown University is proud to host the annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians which returns to Providence for the first...

Preserving, Commenting, Adapting: Commentaries on Ancient Texts in Twelfth-Century Byzantium - 20-21
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Every commentary first and foremost is an interpretation or specific reading of the text that is commented upon. In...

CALL. 30.04.2017: Preserving, Commenting, Adapting: Commentaries on Ancient Texts in Twelfth-Century
go to CONGRESS Every commentary first and foremost is an interpretation or specific reading of the text that is commented upon. In...

Latin Enlightenment: Knowledge, Identities, and Innovation - 20/04/2017, Oxford (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20/04/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lecture Theatre, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford (Oxford, England)...

Jewish Culture and the Legacy of the Classical World - 29/03/2017, New York (NY, USA)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29/03/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Leo and Julia Forchheimer Auditorium, Yeshiva University Museum, New York (New York,...