International Colloquium on Loanwords and Substrata in Indo-European languages - 04-05-06-07/06/2018
CALL. 12.02.2018: International Colloquium on Loanwords and Substrata in Indo-European languages - L
Society for Neo-Latin Studies Annual Post-Graduate Event - 15/06/2018, Manchester (England)
CALL. 02.02.2018: Society for Neo-Latin Studies Annual Post-Graduate Event - Manchester (England)
Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality - 15-16-17/06/2018, Karlsruh
CALL. 31.01.2018: Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality - Karlsruh
International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics - 30-31/08, 01/09/2018, Helsinki (Finland)
CALL. 31.01.2018: International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics - Helsinki (Finland)
Per un umanesimo condiviso. Lettere e scienze per il futuro del nostro paese - 29/11/2017, Benevento
XX Jornadas del Departamento de Filología Clásica: Palabra de griego y de romano -30/11-01/12/2017,