V Congreso Internacional De Jóvenes investigadores. Mundo Hispánico: Cultura, Arte y Sociedad -27-28
go to CALL FOR PAPERS El V Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores “Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y sociedad” se celebrará los...
CALL. 15.07.2019: V Congreso Internacional De Jóvenes investigadores. Mundo Hispánico: Cultura, Arte
go to CONGRESS El V Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores “Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y sociedad” se celebrará los días...
«Aere perennius» Il dialogo con l’Antico fra Medioevo e prima Modernità -07-08/11/2019, Pisa (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Un gruppo di perfezionandi del primo e secondo anno del Dottorato di ricerca in Letteratura, arte e storia...
CALL. 30.06.2019: «Aere perennius» Il dialogo con l’Antico fra Medioevo e prima Modernità - Pisa (I
go to CONGRESS Un gruppo di perfezionandi del primo e secondo anno del Dottorato di ricerca in Letteratura, arte e storia dell’Europa...
Incontrarse al limite. Ibridazioni mediterranee nell´Italia preromana - 06-07-08/06/2019, Ferrara
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07-08/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Palazzo Bevilacqua-Costabili, Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy)...
The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Durham - 10-11-12/06/2020, Durham (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS We write to announce two international conferences plus a year-long programme of events in Durham on the theme ‘The...
The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Auckland - 22-23-24/01/2020, Auckland (New Zealand)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The goal of our programme of events is a double one: first, to gain an overview of the directions research has...
14th Moisa Research Seminar on Ancient Greek and Roman Music "Music in Pausanias´ Guide to Gree
The Moisa Research Seminar will take place from 2 to 6 July 2019 in Bressanone/Brixen (Italy) with the commitment of Padua University and...
The Restitution of the Classics in Ancient Régime France - 28/05/2018, Saint Clotilde (Reunion, Fran
The workshop aims to investigate, within a variety of different forms (epic, comedy, tragedy, etc.), the processes of ‘restitution’ of...
Anonymous Latin Sermons in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Transmission, Classification, D
FECHA CONGRESO/CONGRESS DATE/DATA CONGRESSO: 16/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Salle Académique de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres,...