Horapollon : Hellénisme et hiéroglyphes dans l’Antiquité tardive - 13-14/06/2018, Paris (France)
Sensing the Past. Detecting the Use of the Five Senses in Ancient Contexts - 04/06/2018, Roma (Italy
The Joseph Story between Egypt and Israel - 15-16/06/2018, Lausanne (Switzerland)
When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basi
Aspects of Leadership in the Ancient World - 07-08/06/2018, Rethymnon (Greece)
Literature and intervisuality in Greece and Rome (II) - 12-13/06/2018, Milano (Italy)
Entre archétype et épigone : allers et retours en grammaire et rhétorique - 07/06/2018, Paris (Franc
Convegno Internazionale MuRSA "Generi senza confini. La rappresentazione della realtà nel mondo
Portraying Cicero - 15-16-17/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
CALL. 31.10.2018: Portraying Cicero - Roma (Italy)