Imago Deorum. Culto e Rappresentazione delle Divinità nell’Antica Roma - 11-12/05/2018, Velletri (It
Technepopoiia: between Greek technical poetry and treatises in verse - 12/07/2018, Nijmegen (Netherl
CALL. 10.05.2018: Technepopoiia: between Greek technical poetry and treatises in verse - Nijmegen (N
The Midlands Classics and Ancient History Colloquium. "Conflict, reconciliation and community&q
2018 Symposium Classicum Peregrinum: "Blessings and Curses in Antiquity" - 21-22-23-24/06/
Unabridged. Epitome From Fragmentation To Re-composition (and Back-Again) - 05-06/06/2018, Roma (Ita
Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète - 25-26/10/2018, Nanterre (France)
CALL. 15.05.2018: Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète - Nanterre (France)
VIII Coloquio Internacional Cartografías del yo en el Mundo Antiguo. Estrategias de su textualizació
CALL. 30.04.2018: VIII Coloquio Internacional Cartografías del yo en el Mundo Antiguo. Estrategias d