CALL. 31.01.2018: [PANEL 5] Democratising Classics (Panel at the CCC) - St Andrews (Scotland)
Symposium Cumanum: rerum cognoscere causas: Learning in the Late Republic and the Augustan Age - 26-
CALL. 28.02.2018: Symposium Cumanum: rerum cognoscere causas: Learning in the Late Republic and the
Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality - 15-16-17/06/2018, Karlsruh
CALL. 31.01.2018: Genealogy of Popular Science. From Ancient Ecphrasis to Virtual Reality - Karlsruh
In toto orbe ut semper canar. Ovidio: il poeta, l’arte, la tradizione - 14-15-16/12/2017, Chieti (It
Lyric Beyond Lyric: ‘submerged’ traditions, generic interactions, and later receptions - 24/05/2018,
CALL. 24.01.2018: Lyric Beyond Lyric: ‘submerged’ traditions, generic interactions, and later recept
O "Mythographus Homericus" 125 anos após Panzer: Dos escólios aos papiros e à era digital
CALL. 20.12.2017: European Academy of Religion Annual Conference - Bologna (Italy)