'A Quest for Remembrance': The Descent into the Classical Underworld"- 20/05/2017, Warw
CALL. 31.10.2016:'A Quest for Remembrance': The Descent into the Classical Underworld"-
Orality and narration: performance and mythic-ritual poetics - 01-02-03/09/2016, Lausanne (Switzerla
I Congreso Internacional sobre Geografía Histórica y Mítica en la Antigüedad: "Geografía y Mito
CALL. 01.12.2016: I Congreso Internacional de Geografía Histórica y Mítica en la Antigüedad: "G
2016 Symposium Cumanum: Music in the time of Vergil – 21-22-23-24/06/2016, Cuma (Italy)
Hellenistic Poetry before Callimachus - 14 -15/06/2016, Liverpool (England)
Greek and Roman literature: the erotic connection - 11/06/2016, Oxford (England)
Sounds of the Hellenic world, ancient and modern - 04-05/07/2016, London (England)
Classics and/as World Literature - 03-04/06/2016, London (England)