AIA Colloquium on Archaeomusicology: Soundscape and Landscape at Panhellenic Greek Sanctuaries - 07-
CALL. 30.03.2020: AIA Colloquium on Archaeomusicology: Soundscape and Landscape at Panhellenic Greek
V Jornadas sobre el Mundo Antiguo - 15-16/04/2020, Madrid (Spain)
Agamennone Classico e Contemporaneo - 04-05/03/2020, Ravenna (Italy)
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 26] "Arts in Work: About the Interaction of Soundscapes and Taskscapes
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 386] The Cross-cultural crossbar/ Music and the High Cs (EAA2020) - Budapes
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 4] "Music and dance in Ancient Greek and Rome and their preservation&q
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 124] Archaeology of Soundscapes and Soundscapes for Archaeology (EAA2020) -
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 146] Materializing Sound in Antiquity: Materials as a bodily and symbolic c
Female agency: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - 06-07-08/05/2021, London (England)