Classical Theatre and the Middle East: Greek drama and the "classic(s) in the Arab-speaking wor
A one-day conference on Greek drama and the 'classic(s)' in the Arab-speaking world and Iran. FECHA CONGRESO/CONGRESS DATE/DATA...
Les fouilles à Tell Jokha (Umma): découvertes archéologiques et philologiques - 06/07/2019, Genève (
FECHA CONGRESO/CONGRESS DATE/DATA CONGRESSO: 06/07/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: 1st floor, Rue Jean-Daniel Colladon 2 ,Université de Gèneve...
Graduate Workshop Architecture and the Ancient Economy: Discussion of new approaches and methods - 2
go to CALL FOR PAPERS In the last few decades, research on the ancient economy has been constantly increasing, largely thanks to the use...
CALL. 12.07.2019: Graduate Workshop Architecture and the Ancient Economy: Discussion of new approach
Workshop "Law and Religion in the Middle East and Mediterranean" - 28/06/2019, Amsterdam (
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:...
Classical Encounters: Receptions of Antiquity in the long nineteenth-century - 21-22/06/2019, Durham
‘Classical Encounters: Receptions of antiquity in the long nineteenth century’ will bring together scholars from a broad range of...
Greek Onomastics: East of the Mediterranean Naming and Culture in the Roman Near East and the Greek
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University (Oxford,...
Archéologie et histoire du goût dans les sociétés phénicienne et punique - 18-19-20-21/11/2019, Tuni
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19-20-21/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Université de Tunis (Tunis, Tunisia)...
III Seminario Internacional de Posgrado en Investigación y Teoría de Género - 21-22/11/2019, Málaga
go to CONGRESS En esta ocasión el Seminario ofrece a los jóvenes investigadores (doctorandos o doctores que hayan defendido su Tesis...
CALL. 15.09.2019: III Seminario Internacional de Posgrado en Investigación y Teoría de Género - Mál
go to CONGRESS En esta ocasión el Seminario ofrece a los jóvenes investigadores (doctorandos o doctores que hayan defendido su Tesis...