Parenti serpenti. You cannot choose your family. Difficult kinship between myth and ancient theatre
IV Jornada Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO-VI SHRA: "La recepción de la Antigüeda
CALL. 20.07.2020: IV Jornada Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO-VI SHRA: "La recepci
Re-Rolling the Past. Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games
Antiquities, Sites and Museums Under Threat: Cultural Heritage and Communities in a State of War (19
CALL. 31.03.2021: Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction - Online
Cicero Digitalis. Cicero and Roman thought in the age of Digital Humanities - 25-26/02/2021,(Online)
XI Cicero Away Day - 09/06/2020 (Online)
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandharan Art - 24-25-26/03/2021, (Online)
Il teatro delle emozioni - L'ira / The Theatre of Emotions - Wrath - 12-13-14/10/2020 (Online)