The Archaeology and History of Jerash: 110 Years of Excavations - 02-03/03/2017, Copenhagen (Denmar
19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology: Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World -
CALL. 15.03.2017 [PANELS]: 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology: Archaeology and Eco
Urban Life and the Built Environment in the Roman World - 07-08-09/12/2016, Leiden (Netherlands)
Tracce dalla terra. Progetti di prospezione geofisica in Italia centrale tirrenica - 08/11/2016, Rom
Espaces sacrés et espaces de production: Quelles interactions dans les nouvelles fondations? - 21-22
Mountains in Antiquity - 08-09/06/2017, St. Andrews (Scotland)
CALL. 15.09.2016: Mountains in Antiquity - St. Andrews (Scotland)
12th Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference: “The Fifth Century: Age of Transforma
CALL. 01.11.2016: 12th Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference: “The Fifth Century: