CALL. 01.12.2019: 12th International Congress of the International Plutarch Society: Plutarch and hi
Imagens Religiosas no Mundo Romano - 16-17-18/07/2019, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Ancient Revelation: Divination, Prophecy and Epiphany - 25-26-27/06/2019, Durham (England)
2nd Egyptological Conference. Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The Cosmic Hypostasis a
CALL. 10.06.2019: 2nd Egyptological Conference. Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The C
Divinità e Politeismi dell’Antichità Classica. Documentazione e Metodi di Studio - 26-27-28/07/2019,
Petitioners, Penitents, and Poets: On Prayer and Praying in Second Temple Judaism - 21-22/05/2019, F
Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Culture - 15-16/11/2019
CALL. 10.05.2019: Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Cultu
Myth in the Greek and Roman Worlds: New Perspectives - 14/05/2019, Milton Keynes (England)