CALL. 31.03.2020: Apotropaia and Phylakteria. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece - Athens (Greece)
"Faith - Heresy - Magic" Manifestations of deviant beliefs and magical practices in the ma
CALL. 22.03.2020: "Faith - Heresy - Magic" Manifestations of deviant beliefs and magical p
Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 23/24/25/10/2020, Velletri (Italy)
CALL. 01.04.2020: Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - Veletri (Italy)
British Epigraphy Society Autumn Colloquium 2019 - 16/11/2019, London (England)
Sensory And Emotional Approaches To Magic In The Roman World - 27/03/2020, Milton Keynes (England)
CALL. 30.11.2019: Sensory And Emotional Approaches To Magic In The Roman World - Milton Keynes (Engl
2019 Warwick Classics Network Study Day: Ancient Worlds - 21/11/2019, Warwick (England)
12th International Congress of the International Plutarch Society: Plutarch and his Contemporaries.