Conversation and Dialogue in Latin (21st ICLL 2021) -24-25-26-27-28/05/2021, Santiago de Compostela
CALL. 15/02/2020: Conversation and Dialogue in Latin (21st ICLL 2021) -Santiago de Compostela (Spain
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 9] "Ageing bodies in Antiquity. Dependency and care" (CCAH) - Coi
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 8] "Single-parent families in Antiquity. Between law and social practi
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 12] "Literary Criticism in Ancient Historiography" (CCAH) - Coimb
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 10] "Rethinking the Classics: Novelties on Greek textual criticism&quo
Conference in Classics & Ancient History -22-23-24-25/06/2021, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 27.03.2020: [PANEL 5] Around the Classics: Paratextual Frame of Latin Classics in the Middle A
IV Jornadas Internacionales "MediterráneoS" 2020 - 14-15-16/10/2020, Madrid (Spain)
CALL. 30.03.2020: IV Jornadas Internacionales "MediterráneoS" 2020 - Madrid (Spain)