CALL. 07.02.2020: Cicero Away Day - Birmingham (England)
Child Slavery in the Roman Empire -16-17-18/06/2020, Edinburgh (Scotland)
CALL. 07.02.2020: Child Slavery in the Roman Empire - Edinburgh (Scotland)
"Human" and "non human" in Homeric and Archaic epic - 30-31/08 -01-02-03/09/2020
CALL. 31.01.2020: "Human" and "non human" in Homeric and Archaic epic - Vathy (G
I colofoni cristiani orientali: per un’analisi strutturale - 14/02/2020, Roma (Italy)
Armenian through the Ages: Linguistic and Philological Perspectives - 24-25/07/2020, Oxford (England
CALL. 13.03.2020: Armenian through the Ages: Linguistic and Philological Perspectives - Oxford (Engl
Epic, Society and Religion in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures - 05-06-07/06/2020
CALL. 31.01.2020: Epic, Society and Religion in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures