III Jornadas de Doctorandos en Filología Clásica - 17/6/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Voices on late Latin poetry. European scholarship in context - 16/09/2016, Oxford (England)
CALL. 10.07.2016: Your Voice on Late Latin Poetry - Voices on late Latin poetry - Oxford (England)
96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - 27-28-29/10/2016, Atlanta (USA)
CALL. 06.06.2016: 96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - Atlanta (USA)
Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions - 27-28-29/10/2016, Leiden (Netherlands)
CALL. 05.06.2016: Language Change in Epic Greek and other Oral Traditions - Leiden (Netherlands)
The fourth annual conference of ISLALS: Literature in Late Antiquity - 21-22/10/2016, Philadelphia (
CALL. 15.06.2016: The fourth annual conference of ISLALS: Literature in Late Antiquity - Philadelphi
Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture - 07-08-09