Casting Off Shadows: Hellenistic Poetry Beyond Callimachean Aesthetics - 01-03/09/2016, Cambridge (E
CALL. 17.04.2016: Casting Off Shadows: Hellenistic Poetry Beyond Callimachean Aesthetics - Cambridge
Oxbridge Sixth Form Conference Classics Conference - 18/03/2016, Cambridge (England)
Oratory and Rhetoric at UCL - 23/03/2016, London (England)
Materiality of Communication - 16-17-18-19/11/2016, San Antonio (USA)
CALL. 15.02.2016: Materiality of Communication - San Antonio (USA)
The Fragments of Aristotle's Lost Works - 06-07/07/2016, Lisboa (Portugal)
CALL. 15.02.2016: The Fragments of Aristotle's Lost Works - Lisboa (Portugal)
Reconciling Ancient and Modern Philosophies of History and Historiography - 18-19/08/2016, London (E
CALL. 18.03.2016: Reconciling Ancient and Modern Philosophies of History and Historiography - London