III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO – V SHRA: La recepción de la Antigüedad desde el Medievo
CALL. 20.09.2019: III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO – V SHRA: La recepción de la Antigüeda
[CANCELLED] 2020 Classical Association Conference - 17-18-19-20/04/2020, Swansea (Wales)
CALL. 31.08.2019: 2020 Classical Association Conference - Swansea (Wales)
The Theatre of the πόλις between Entertainment and Politics: New Interpretations of Ancient Greek Dr
CALL. 15.07.2019: The Theatre of the πόλις between Entertainment and Politics: New Interpretations o
(Re)pensar las Mujeres en la Historia (III Seminario Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Humanistas) - 07-08
CALL. 31.07.2019: (Re)pensar las Mujeres en la Historia (III Seminario Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes H
Colloque Le IIIe siècle au XXIe siècle - Le Havre, 11-12/03/2020, Rouen (France)
CALL. 30.09.2019: Colloque Le IIIe siècle au XXIe siècle - Le Havre, Rouen (France)