Summer School "Defining Space. The Frontier in Ancient History" - 22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-
The Dancing Floor of Ares II. Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece - 24/05/2018, F
Roman Society and the British School at Rome - 02/06/2018, London (England)
1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas -03-04/10/2018, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
CALL. 20.05.2018: 1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas - Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Classics and Global Humanities -11-12/10/2018, Legon (Ghana)
CALL. 08.07.2018: Classics and Global Humanities - Legon (Ghana)
The Dancing Floor of Ares II. Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece - 24/05/2018, F
Emperors, Coins, Frogs, and Oracles - 02/07/2018, Coventry (England)
I giudei nel mondo greco-romano - 15-16/06/2018, Pavia (Italy)