CALL. 19.03.2018: Athletics and identity in the Ancient and Modern World - St. Andrews (Scotland)
Manipulation of discourse in antiquity - 12-13-14/11/2018, Stellenbosch (South Africa)
CALL. 31.05.2018: Manipulation of discourse in antiquity - Stellenbosch (South Africa)
Interdisziplinäres altertumswissenschaftliches Nachwuchskolloquium an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilh
CALL. 15.03.2018: 4. Interdisziplinäres altertumswissenschaftliches Nachwuchskolloquium an der Rhein
Annual Meeting on Christian Origins - 27-28-29/09/2018, Bertinoro (Italy)
CALL. 16.04.2018: Annual Meeting on Christian Origins - Bertinoro (Italy)
CALL. 16.02.2018: [PANEL 14] : "Where does it end?": Limits on imperial authority in Late
The Crisis of Rhetoric: Renewing Political Speech and Speechwriting - 14/03/2018 , Glasgow (Scotlan
Pouvoir et Religion dans l’Antiquité: échos, mémoire, oubli -15/02/2018, Toulouse (France)