CALL. 15.02.2020: [SESSION 4] "Archaeology of the Near East and Video Games" (ASOR 2020) -
ASOR Annual Meeting 2020 - 18-19-20-21/11/2020, Boston (MA, USA)
CALL. 06.03.2020: [PANEL 1] (Re)inventing Sappho: New Approaches to Sappho from the Greek Fragments
"Human" and "non human" in Homeric and Archaic epic - 30-31/08 -01-02-03/09/2020
CALL. 31.01.2020: "Human" and "non human" in Homeric and Archaic epic - Vathy (G
Mythology and Education - 18/02/2020, Cambridge (England)
Homer Day 2020 - 25/01/2020, London (England)
The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. 1st International Seminar on 'The Golden Bough' -
CALL. 20.04.2020: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. 1st International Seminar on 'The Go
CALL. 02.02.2020: Ricerche a Confronto 15, Katabasis and other “infernal journeys” from the Classica