Graduate Annual Research Discussions on Egypt and Nubia VI - 23/02/2019, Cairo (Egypt)
Administrations et pratiques comptables au Proche-Orient ancien - 21-22/02/2019, Louvain-la-Neuve (B
Rethinking Christian Political Thought in Late Antiquity - 18/06/2019, Liverpool (England)
CALL. 18.02.2019: Rethinking Christian Political Thought in Late Antiquity - Liverpool (England)
CALL. 15.02.2019: [SESSION 16] Gender in the Ancient Near East (ASOR 2019) - San Diego (CA, USA)
IX Reunión internacional de Escultura Romana en Hispania - 28-29-30/03/2019, Yecla (Spain)
Ciclo conferencias Juan de la Cierva -08-21-27/02/2019, Zaragoza (Spain)
Amazonas, diosas y mujeres guerreras en la Antigüedad -18/02/2019, Oviedo (Spain)
Affective Representations in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean - 14/02/2019, New York (NY, USA
Religious modes of (de-)legitimizing violence in antiquity - 05-06-07/09/2019, Mainz (Germany)