The 13th Biennial meeting of Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity: “Communal Responses to Local Disa
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The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - 02/08/2018, Liverpool (
CALL 03.07.2018: The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - Liverp
Logistics in Greek Sanctuaries. Exploring the Human Experience of Visiting the Gods - 13-14-15-16/09
Rethinking Osiris - 26-27/03/2019, Florence (Italy)
CALL. 30.09.2018: Rethinking Osiris - Florence (Italy)
XVII Coloquio Internacional ARYS "Vestir Divininamente: deidades y cultores arropados o desnudo
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International Colloquium 'Tzetzes' - 06-07-08/09/2018, Venezia (Italy)