The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Durham - 10-11-12/06/2020, Durham (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS We write to announce two international conferences plus a year-long programme of events in Durham on the theme ‘The...
The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Auckland - 22-23-24/01/2020, Auckland (New Zealand)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The goal of our programme of events is a double one: first, to gain an overview of the directions research has...
Congreso internacional Exemplum et spolia. La reutilización arquitectónica en la transformación del
go to CALL FOR PAPERS La ciudad histórica es una superposición de culturas que habitan un espacio urbano desde la creación del primer...
Connectivity in the Roman World - 18/06/2019, Exeter (England)
The Centre for Connectivity in the Roman World (University of Exeter) is pleased to announce its inaugural research workshop to take...
Roma e la formazione di un’Italia “romana” 17-18/06/2018, (Roma, Italy)
Nell’ottobre del 2014 si teneva a Roma, tra KNIR, BSR, ISR e EFR, l’incontro di studi L’Italia centrale e la creazione di una koiné...
Détours et Rétours - 22/05/2018, (Toulouse, France)
Cette journée d’étude propose d’interroger les notions de « retours » et de « détours » dans l’Antiquité en s’appuyant sur la richesse et...
The Restitution of the Classics in Ancient Régime France - 28/05/2018, Saint Clotilde (Reunion, Fran
The workshop aims to investigate, within a variety of different forms (epic, comedy, tragedy, etc.), the processes of ‘restitution’ of...
Les Romains dans le Alpes. Histoire, archéologie, épigraphie - 13-14-15/05/2019, Lausanne (Switzerla
La réflexion sur l’Histoire des Alpes dans l’Antiquité est d’actualité. D’une part en raison d’une série de nouvelles découvertes...
Anonymous Latin Sermons in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Transmission, Classification, D
FECHA CONGRESO/CONGRESS DATE/DATA CONGRESSO: 16/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Salle Académique de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres,...
The Roman Republic in the Long Fourth Century - 16-17-18/05/2019, Princeton (NJ, USA)
"The Roman Republic in the Long Fourth Century" investigates the transformation of the Roman Republic from the sack of Rome in 387 BCE to...