CALL. 05.02.2021: (Un)-Forgotten Realms: Science Fiction and Fantasy in and about... - Online
Architectures of Colonialism. Constructed Histories - 16-17-18/06/2021, Cottbus (Germany)
CALL. 08.01.2021: Architectures of Colonialism. Constructed Histories - Cottbus (Germany)
CALL.01.02.2021: [PANEL 3] Infection, Pandemic and the Borders of Medicine - San Francisco (CA, USA)
CALL.25.01.2021:[PANEL 2]Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic - San Francisco (CA, USA)
CALL. 05.02.2021: [PANEL 1] Extending Roman Personhood and Authorship - San Francisco (CA, USA)
2022 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting - 05-06-07-08/01/2022, San Francisco (CA, USA)
Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio - 10-11/12/2020, Online (Youtube)
Coins from Roman military sites. Theory, methodology and practice - 18/12/2020, Online (Zoom)
V Santuários, Cultura, Arte, Romarias, Peregrinações, Paisagens e Pessoas - 09-13/12/2020, Online