Seminario Cubiertas sobre yacimientos arqueológicos - 25/10/2019, Madrid (Spain)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25/10/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, salón de Conferencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid...
CALL. 15.10.2019: 3rd North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy: Inscriptions and the Epi
Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages - 07/12/2019, Roehampton (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The story of Tereus preoccupied major authors in classical antiquity. References to it date back to the Homeric...
[POSTPONED] V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - 14-15/05/2020, Barcelona (Spain)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Warfare was a central issue in Antiquity. The Hellenistic period was, however, a turning point in all the facets of...
CALL. 30.10.2019: V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - Barcelona (Spain)
go to CONGRESS Warfare was a central issue in Antiquity. The Hellenistic period was, however, a turning point in all the facets of...
The 8th PeClA 2019 International Postgraduate Conference Perspectives of Classical Archaeology - 30/
go to CALL FOR PAPERS PeClA 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate...
CALL. 01.10.2019: The 8th PeClA 2019 International Postgraduate Conference Perspectives of Classical
go to CONGRESS PeClA 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate /doctoral ...
Grecques et Égyptiennes. Genre, ethnicité et agentivité en Égypte hellénistique et romaine - 27/09/2
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 27/09/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Université de Strasbourg, Faculté de Droit, 4th Floor, room Redslob (Strasbourg,...
De Roma a Gades: La gestión, eliminación y reutilización de resíduos artesanales y comerciales en ám
La gestión de los residuos urbanos es un aspecto del ámbito de la Arqueología de la producción de gran interés para el conocimiento de...
4º Seminário "Fragmentos de Arqueologia de Lisboa". Agua - 20-21/11/2019, Lisboa (Portugal
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)...