Convegno Internazionale di Studi Umberto M. Fasola nel centenario della nascita (1917-2017) L’Archeo
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH 2018) - 17/03/2018, London (England)
CALL. 15.12.2017: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH 2018) - London (England)
Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation - 08/12/2017, Basel (Switzerland)
Mausolea and Funerary Landscape of Ancient North Africa. Acculturation and Regional Identity - 26-27
Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting - 19-20-21/04/2018, Williamsburg (VA, USA)
CALL. 04.12.2017: Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting - Williamsburg (VA, USA)
11th Celtic Conference - 11-12-13-14/07/2018, St. Andrews (Scotland)
CALL. 01.12.2017 [PANELS]: 11th Celtic Conference - St. Andrews (Scotland)
CALL. 20.10.2017: Fortuna Redux, Seminario de investigación de Historia Antigua y Arqueología Clásic