Annual Symposium of the Center for Ancient Studies: Divination in the Ancient World - 10-11-12/11/20
The belief in divination, the possibility of learning the future and/or the will of the god(s), is one that is prevalent throughout the...
Città e territorio: il Lazio Medievale - 12/11/2016, Segni (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12/11/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sala Pio XII, Cattedrale Santa Maria Assunta (Segni, Italy) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGAN...
Ancient Art History and Social History: a Conference in Honour of Dr Glenys M. Davies - 10/11/2016,
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10/11/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Teviot Row House, University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland)...
Inventing origins. The function of Aetiology in Antiquity - 17-18-19/11/2016, Leiden (Netherlands)
At this conference we will enquire the ancient phenomenon of aetiology, that is to say the drive to find and devise stories of origin to...
The Other Capitals: Dynasty, Power & Culture in the Later Roman Empire - 02/11/2016, Cardiff (Wa
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02/11/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Room 0.31, John Percival Building, Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales)...
Jerusalem in the Roman-Byzantine times - 02-03-04-05-06/09/2017, Münchenwiler (Switzerland)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02-03-04-05-06/09/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Münchenwiler, Switzerland...
CALL. 31.12.2016: Jerusalem in the Roman-Byzantine times - Münchenwiler (Switzerland)
The Metaphysics of the Soul-Body relation underpinning Gregory of Nyssa’s Anthropology and Political
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10/12/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ryle room, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (Oxford, England)...
KARAVOI: Methodology, Interpretation and Typology of Maritime Graffiti in the Mediterranean – 15-16/
Pictorial and textual graffiti have attracted the attention of archaeologists, anthropologists, epigraphists, historians and philologists...
Being Pagan, Being Christian in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages - 03-04/11/2016, Helsinki (Finl
The humanities over the past decades have seen an enormous surge in studies on the construction and representation of identities,...