II Congresso Internazionale di Studi ermeneutici su simbolo, mito e ‘modernità dell’antico’ nella Le
CALL. 20.10.2016: II Congresso Internazionale di Studi ermeneutici su simbolo, mito e ‘modernità del
SENECIO Terzo Convegno di Antichistica - 07/10/2016, Novi Ligure (Italy)
VIII Reunión de Escultura Romana - 05-06-07-08/10/2016, Baena (Spain)
Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas im Kontext spätantiker Memorialkultur -06-07/10/2016, Tübingen
Sensing Divinity. Incense, religion and the ancient sensorium / Les sens du rite. Encens et religion
CALL. 31.10.2016: Sensing Divinity. Incense, religion and the ancient sensorium / Les sens du rite.
Seventh International Conference on Food Studies "Food Systems: Design and Innovation" - 2
CALL. 26.10.2016: Seventh International Conference on Food Studies "Food Systems: Design and In
The Harmony of Reason: Music and Philosophy from Early Imperial Age to Late Antiquity -22-23-24/09/2