Congreso Internacional "Rituales, costumbres funerarias y prácticas mágicas en Hispania. A prop
CALL. 07.01.2019: Congreso Internacional "Rituales, costumbres funerarias y prácticas mágicas e
History of Emotions Symposium - 07-08/11/2018, Helsinki (Finland)
Combat Stress and the Pre-modern World - 07/12/2018, Manchester (England)
CALL. 26.10.2018: Combat Stress and the Pre-modern World - Manchester (England)
XXII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology: From east to west. The mobility of people, goods and id
CALL. 15.10.2018: XXII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology: From east to west. The mobility of p
13th London Ancient Science Conference 2019 - 11-12-13-14-15/02/2019, London (England)
CALL. 31.10.2018: 13th London Ancient Science Conference 2019 - London (England)
The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network "‘Ideal spaces" - 14/01/2019, Lo