Seminario del ICCA: "Urbe y orbe: sobre el modo romano de concebir el poder" - 14-15/12/20
Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 5th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Conference - 18-19/05
CALL. 28.02.2018: Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 5th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Con
"Coena Mistica".Giornata di studi su Mithra - 16/12/2017, Cavriglia (AR, Italy)
Metodologie per l’analisi contestuale dei reperti numismatici -15/12/2017, Pisa (Italy)
2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology - 25-26-27/04/2018, Zagreb (Croatia)
CALL. 16.02.2018: 2nd International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology - Zagreb (Croatia)
18th International Conference for Ancient East-Mediterranean Studies: Power and (Op)position - 01-02
CALL. 15.01.2018: 18th International Conference for Ancient East-Mediterranean Studies: Power and (O
Tokens, Value and Identity: Exploring Monetiform Objects in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - 18-19/1