Epistula Narrans. Narrative Modelling in Latin Epistolography - 05-06-07/07/2018, Tübingen (Germany)
CALL. 24.09.2017: Epistula Narrans. Narrative Modelling in Latin Epistolography - Tübingen (Germany)
Encounters with Elites in the Ancient World. Leadership, Lifestyles, Legitimacy - 30-31/08 - 01/09/2
Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? -29-30/06-01-02/07/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
CALL. 05.06.2017 [POSTERS]: Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? - Göttingen (Germany)
Tavola rotonda "AdriAtlas e i paesaggi costieri dell’Adriatico tra Antichità e Altomedioevo Per
Lavoro manuale e lavoro intellettuale nella società romana - 25-26/05/2017, Roma (Italy)
Secondo seminario di studio. L´idea repubblicana nell´età imperiale - 24/05/2017, Venezia (Italy)
[SESSION] An Appetite for the Past - 01/11/2017, New York (USA)
CALL. 01.08.2017: An Appetite for the Past - New York (USA)