Epistolary fiction in Ancient Greek literature - 16-17/11/2017, Berlin (Germany)
En los márgenes de Roma. Apropiaciones y reinterpretaciones de la Antigüedad romana en la cultura de
Performing Greece 2017: The 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Greek Theatre - 09/12/2017
CALL. 09.11.2017: Performing Greece 2017: The 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Greek The
11th Celtic Conference - 11-12-13-14/07/2018, St. Andrews (Scotland)
CALL. 01.12.2017 [PANELS]: 11th Celtic Conference - St. Andrews (Scotland)
Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World -25-26/10/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
Theaomai. Teatro e società in età ellenistica - 02-03/12/2017, Agrigento (Italy)
CALL. 31.10.2017: Theaomai. Teatro e società in età ellenistica - Agrigento (Italy)
The Nature in the Ancient World: Ideas, Perceptions, Politics -06-07-08/09/2017, Kyparissia (Greece)