In Search of Lost Myth Mythological Characters of Lost Tragedies - 08-09/10/2018, Siena (Italy)
The Midlands Classics and Ancient History Colloquium. "Conflict, reconciliation and community&q
Animali Parlanti II. Letteratura, Teatro, Disegni - 17-18/04/2018 - Trento (Italy)
Classical and Early Modern Intersections Sophocles’ Oedipus at Colonus and Shakespeare’s King Lear -
Theatron. Stagione INDA 2018 (Eracle, Edipo a Colono, Cavalieri) - 09-10/04/2018, Lecce, Bari (Ita
VIII Coloquio Internacional Cartografías del yo en el Mundo Antiguo. Estrategias de su textualizació
CALL. 30.04.2018: VIII Coloquio Internacional Cartografías del yo en el Mundo Antiguo. Estrategias d
Greek Theatre and Metatheatre: definitions, problems, limits - 16-17/11/2018, Basel (Switzerland)
CALL. 15.05.2018: Greek Theatre and Metatheatre: definitions, problems, limits - Basel (Switzerland)
12th Trends in Classics International Conference "Fragmented Parts, Coherent Entities: Reconsid