LVDI PLAVTINI SARSINATES. Characters on Stage: the parasite - 13/10/2018, Sarsina (Italy)
CALL. 30.04.2018: LVDI PLAVTINI SARSINATES. Characters on Stage: the parasite - Sarsina (Italy)
Ancient Greek Drama in Latin 1506-1590. Readership, Translation, and Circulation - 03-04/09/2018, Lo
CALL. 16.04.2018: Ancient Greek Drama in Latin 1506-1590. Readership, Translation, and Circulation -
Misdirections and Misconceptions in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Drama (18th Annual Jo
CALL.20.04.2018: Misdirections and Misconceptions in the Theory and Practice of Greek and Roman Dram
Socratica IV - 13-14-15-16/11/2018, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
CALL. 31.05.2018: Socratica IV - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
VIII Giornata di Studio su Aristofane - 06/04/2018, Roma (Italy)
La Porticus post Scaenam en la Arquitectura Teatral Romana -19-20/10/2018, Cartagena (Spain)