CALL. 01.02.2016: Dis Manibus: (Im)mortality and the Afterlife in the Ancient World. 20th Annual Gra
Mapping the Past: G.I.S. Approaches to Ancient History - 08-09/04/2016, North Carolina (USA)
Sound and Auditory culture in Greco-Roman Antiquity - 01-02/04/2016, Columbia (USA)
Behind the Symbol: the Context and Legacy of Hypatia - 11-12/12/2015, Princeton (USA)
Urban Disasters and The Roman Imagination - 07/11/2015, Amherst, Massachusetts (USA)
Engendering Time in the Ancient Greco-Roman Mediterranean - 39-30/04-1/05/2016, Lewiston (USA)
Feminism and Classics VII: Visions - 19-20-21-22/05/2016, Washington (USA)
CALL. 01/09/2015 - Feminism and Classics VII: Visions, Washington (USA)
Mirabile Dictu: Experiencing the Wondrous in the Ancient World - 14/11/2015, New York (USA)
'War, Trauma, Religion: Comparative Perspectives on Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes' - 0