Res Difficiles 2.0. Difficult Conversations in Classics (ResDiff2) - 20/03/2021, (Online)
Europe and the Ancient Near East. Reception and Construction of Images of...03-04/03/2021,(Online)
The Power of Anonymity in the Material, Historical, and Literary...-18-19/06/2021, Müncher (Germany)
CALL. 31.03.2021:The Power of Anonymity in the Material, Historical,and Literary...-Müncher(Germany)
Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres: percepciones en grupos de...- 11-12/03/2021, (Online)
Self-Representation in Late Antiquity and Byzantium - 26-27-28/02/2021, (Online)
Contacts in Pre-Hellenistic Anatolia and Ancient Near East - 25-26-27/02/2021, (Online)
Revisiting the Warrior Princess and her legacy: Xena 20 years on - 18-19/06/2021, Online
CALL. 15.03.2021: Revisiting the Warrior Princess and her legacy: Xena 20 years on - Online
Northern Lights Workshop 2020+1 - 14/05/2021, Online (Zoom)