Rebuilding / Restoring Rome. The Renewal of Buildings and Spaces as Urban Policy, from Antiquity to
EASR 2019. Religion, Continuations and disruptions - 25-26-27-28-29/06/2019, Tartu (Estonia)
CALL. 15.12.2018: [SESSION 5] Urban religion and religious change. Intellectualization of religion a
CALL. 15.12.2018: [SESSION 3] Inertia versus Friction: Choice of Location and Construction of Space
The 40th Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference - 17-18-19/12/2018, Chester (England)
Linear B Beyond Bureaucracy: The Age of Heroes - 15-16-17/12/2018, Durham (England)
Villae Romanas: Desafios para a Investigação e Inovação - 06-07-08/12/2018, Cascais (Portugal)
APRAB Anniversary International Conference - 19-20-21-22/06/2019, Bayeux (France)
CALL. 15.12.2018: APRAB Anniversary International Conference - Bayeux (France)
Hoarding and deposition in Europe from later prehistory to the medieval period. Finds in context - 1