World Humanities Conference - 06-07-08-09-10-11-12/08/2017, Liège (Belgium)
CALL. 01.11.2016: [SESSIONS] World Humanities Conference - Liège (Belgium)
4th Annual Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: Digging into Ancient Egypt - 17/02/2017, Birmingham (Eng
CALL. 28.11.2016: 4th Annual Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: Digging into Ancient Egypt - Birmingha
CALL. 28.10.2016: [SESSION 26] Path modelling and the materiality of movement (session at Computer A
La peinture murale antique: méthodes et apports d'une approche technique - 15/11/2016, Louvain-l
CALL. 15.11.2016: [POSTERS] La peinture murale antique : méthodes et apports d'une approche tech
The Power of Human Images in the Ancient Near East - 04-05/11/2016, Lyon (France)
Columbia University Ancient Near East Seminar - 12/11/2016, New York (USA)
II Jornadas de Doctorandos. Humanidades Digitales: Historia, Arte y Arqueología - 09-10/03/2017, Get