XII Convegno del Réseau de Recherche et de Formation à la Recherche "Poésie augustéenne":
ICONEA 9th International conference. Hitite Music: Literature, Iconography, Musicology and Organolog
CALL. 01.12.2016: ICONEA 9th International conference. Hitite Music: Literature, Iconography, Musico
Conference in Honour of Sir John Boardman: There and Back Again: Greek Art in Motion - 03-04-05/05/2
CALL. 31.12.2016: Conference in Honour of Sir John Boardman: There and Back Again: Greek Art in Moti
CALL. 01/12/2016: Lucan in His Contemporary Contexts - Provo (UT, USA)
Jornadas de innovación docente sobre el Mundo Antiguo y su recepción- 13-14/06/2017, Madrid (Spain)
CALL. 01.05.2017: Jornadas de innovación docente sobre el Mundo Antiguo y su recepción - Madrid (Spa
CALL. 30.03.2017: [PAPERS FOR SESSIONS] World Humanities Conference - Liège (Belgium)
CALL. 31.01.2017: [SYMPOSIA] World Humanities Conference - Liège (Belgium)