Rebellion in the Ancient World- 25-26/01/2019, Philadelphia, (PA, USA)
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 25-26/01/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Center for Ancient Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA,...

L’invention du théâtre antique à la Renaissance : forme et rôle des premières éditions - 07-08/01/20

IV Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores del Mundo Antiguo- 11-12/04/2019, Murcia (Spain)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS El IV Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores del Mundo Antiguo de la Universidad de Murcia, sigue los...

Classical Association of the Atlantic States meeting - 10-11-12/10/2019, Silver Spring (MD, USA)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS go to CALL FOR PAPERS [PANELS] FECHA /DATE/DATA: 10-11-12/10/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sheraton Hotel (Silver...

IX Jornadas de Estudios Clásicos y Medievales: orÃgenes, ciclos, edades - 28-29-30/08/2019, La Plata
go to CALL FOR PAPERS sta reunión intenta, como en ocasiones anteriores, presentar aspectos de este diálogo en la dinámica de la...

The Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements: Critical and Interdisciplinary Approaches - 27-2
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of the conference is to facilitate critical and interdisciplinary discussion of apocalypticism,...

Civil Religion from Antiquity to the Enlightenment - 23-24/10/2019, Newcastle (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of this conference is to facilitate these urgently needed discussions, bringing together religious and...

(Dis)embodiment in Late Antique Philosophy - 06-07-08/06/2019, Budapest (Hungary)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference aims at contributing to an eventual closure of the gap between the aforementioned fields. It will...

Influence et réception du poète Martial, de sa mort à nos jours - 24-25/10/2019, Nanterre (France)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Martial, poète ambigu, a connu une fortune des plus intéressantes: s'il a été relégué depuis le XIXe siècle au rang...

Roman Law and Latin Literature - 02-03-04/09/2019, Durham (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference aims to bridge that divide. It will explore the quintessentially normative nature of Latin...