Relevance of the ancient world: Contrasting models and transformations - 13/06/2019, Bologna (Italy)
15 inscripciones que no deberías perderte - 07-08/06/2019, Madrid (Spain)
Melammu Workshop Tartu 2019 "Responses to the 12th Century BC Collapse: Recovery and Restructur
Archaeology of the Invisible. Forced Migration and Modeling Materiality in Contexts of Cultural Mobi
V Congreso Internacional De Jóvenes investigadores. Mundo Hispánico: Cultura, Arte y Sociedad -27-28
The Forgotten Theatre. Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama - 26-27-28-29/11/2019 Torino (Italy)
Digital Humanities and Data Visualization -28-29/11/2019, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Come da sorgente perenne - persistenza e attualità dell'antico - 30/05/2019, Parma (Italy)
Onorare gli dèi, rappresentare il potere regale, ammirare il monumento - 30-31/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
«Aere perennius» Il dialogo con l’Antico fra Medioevo e prima Modernità -07-08/11/2019, Pisa (Italy)